Monday, December 1, 2008

no shave november to dirty-stache december

So here's me not shaving for a whole month

And here's me getting in touch with my mexican roots...oh my gatos!


Amy said...


oh man, Gudy, you went above and beyond with the stache. well done!

Padfoot240 said...

"Ohhhhhhhh, you touched my ta la la."

You look more gunther then mexican. Unless that's what gunther was aiming for.

Trento said...
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Trento said...

Amy: agreed

Paddy: isn't it tra la la

Nathan: ew. disagree.

I'm sure Jillian's pleased.

But it looks pretty awesome. Way better than the Ecuador stache. I can't participate in those things because of cheer. Must be clean-shaven.

Niall said...

this makes me so happy you don't even know.

lol lol lol lol lol lol

I couldn't make it all the way through november. I made it to like the 20th before I wanted to rip my face off. So congrats on making it through.

The Lunaverse said...

Looking Good